Friday, December 19, 2008


Her name is Amanda Khairunnisa Razan Born on September 12 2008, my first daughter , and quite some roller coaster ride I have during her birth process, my wife pregnancy is scheduled on late October that the baby will born, instead its happened on September and its mean my baby born premature, at first its worried us, about how to take care a premature baby etc. at first week Manda had to spend her time at the hospital again, the doctor said that her skin is yellow and thats not good for a new born baby that only been born for a week, and she have to stay at the hospital for a treatment. Me and my wife was shock, after we decided that Manda stay, we try to figure out why this happened, soon we find out, that its normal for a new born baby to have a yellow skin, but there's a measurement for a normal condition and what Manda had it's not normal , anything can be the cause, I only know that my Manda is don't have enough a “body fluid” ,which it can earn from her food, in this case is a milk from her mother.
After 4 or 5 days at hospital, Manda is permitted to going home, and should came again in a week for a check up. At home I give her 100 watt light ( I put a desk lamp on her side but not to close enough because its very hot for the baby, I put it on a distance that the baby will feel warm ) during night, to keep Manda warm and to make her easily hungry ( well my baby is sleeping like a log, even we bother her every two hours just to give her milk, she won't budge :) ). a week later we go to a doctor for check up and its turn out that Manda is in good condition and no need for further treatment. And now after three months her weight is 4,4 kg and her height is 57 cm, we gave her formula milk instead of ASI, because lack of her mother's milk and Manda seem not to eager to drink it.


Siti Arofah said...

alhamdulillah, cantiknya.
selamat ya...udah jadi Ayah

Anonymous said...

saya ucapkan selamat deh buat kang Doy..."semoga dengan kelahiran putri pertamanya bakal membawa banyak berkah buat keluarga dan juga bagi bangsa dan negara ini amin.....wassalam


krian,10 maret 2009